Basque Academic Diaspora Network
Organized by the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the 1st Symposium on the Basque Academic Diaspora will take place on 12th July at the Carlos Santamaria Center , UPV/EHU Gipuzkoa Campus, in Donostia-San Sebastián.
This 1st Symposium on the Basque Academic Diaspora is devised as a starting point to lay the foundations of an international network of academics and researchers, with Basque descent or ties with the Basque Country, dispersed all over the world. The network aims to stay in tune with the roots that define their members, foster and consolidate future partnerships for mutual benefit, in terms of knowledge and sense of belonging. It will be the opportunity to identify the research, intellectual and cultural activity scattered internationally and link it to its roots in the Basque Country.
This 1st Symposium on the Basque Academic Diaspora is devised as a starting point to lay the foundations of an international network of academics and researchers, with Basque descent or ties with the Basque Country, dispersed all over the world. The network aims to stay in tune with the roots that define their members, foster and consolidate future partnerships for mutual benefit, in terms of knowledge and sense of belonging. It will be the opportunity to identify the research, intellectual and cultural activity scattered internationally and link it to its roots in the Basque Country.
Boise State University
John Bieter
GSAAP Columbia University
Maider Llaguno
University of Nevada
William Douglass
Mayo Clinic
RochesterMikel Prieto
University of Maryland
Juan Uriagereka
Boise State University
John Ysursa
University of Nevada
Xabier Irujo
Harvard University
S. Ansola-behere